Invited Speakers

Invited speakers for ABC12 include:

Professor Steven Boyd, University of Calgary, Canada

Professor, Department of Radiology, Cumming School of Medicine

Faculty of Kinesiology (joint), and Schulich School of Engineering (joint), University of Calgary

Director, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health

Professor Boyd's research is in the area of orthopaedic biomechanics. It focuses on adaptive changes to tissues that occur following a joint injury or disease, with particular interest in bone. His two main areas of research are (1) the development of simulation methods to investigate adaptive mechanisms in bone and their influence on tissue mechanics in joint diseases, and (2) the development of non-invasive methods using medical imaging techniques (CT, MR) to provide clinical quantitative assessment of tissue mechanics.

Professor Silvia Blemker, University of Virginia, America

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Multiscale Muscle Mechanophysiology ("M3") Lab, Univeristy of Virginia

Professor Blemker is from Lawrence, Kansas. She did her undergraduate and Master's work in Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University, and her PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. She is broadly interested in muscle mechanics & physiology, multi-scale modeling, mentoring students, and teaching.

The Multiscale Muscle Mechanophysiology ("M3") lab is collectively fascinated by skeletal muscles, which are the motors for all the wide range of voluntary movements in the human body. Each muscle's properties are beautifully tuned for a specific function in the body, which can be easily disrupted by diseases such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or in aging populations. It has the aim of seeking to gain new insights into the form, function, biology, and diseases of muscles and the ultimate goal of improving treatments and quality of life for individuals suffering from muscle-related clinical problems. It integrates a variety of computational and experimental approaches to achieve this goal.

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